We are a Swiss non-profit foundation, enjoying tax-exempt status and under the oversight of federal authorities. Our mission is to disseminate the sacred Qur'an and its translations in key languages, ensuring its delivery to every corner of the globe.
Let's transform the world into a better place where humanity thrives in harmony and love for all. We believe that the word of God, encapsulated in His final book 'The Holy Quran,' holds the power to bring about this change
Fulfill the right of everyperson to have his own copy of the holy Qur’an with a translation of its meanings and spread the awareness that it is the duty of the believers to contribute to such fulfillment.
Your individual donations are added to our existing fund that also receive donations from organizations that share the common belief in this project vision. This fund is already placed in portfolio of investments which yield continuous return that enable us to print tens of thousands of the holly Quran copies with translations and distribute across the world ANNUALLY with NO STOP.
We Disseminate the Holy Quran via Proficient Agents Worldwide. Our Agents are Committed to:
Stay attuned to the needs of the specific society and engage with it.
Exhibiting professionalism in the delivery of copies of the Holy Qur'an
Be well-versed in local regulations and laws to ensure the task is carried out effectively
Officially authorized by local governing bodies for the specific scope of work
No word is higher than the word of God, and no book is higher than the final book of God. In the meanings of his words, Glory be to Him, made guidance and help to mankind, despite of language, race, age, and social status. Rather, it is the source of the greatest peace and tranquility, and the path of righteousness for the individual, the group, and the society. Not everyone is able to access the holy Quran, and the majority of them can not read the original Arabic text, and there are many believers dreaming to have their first copy of Quran in their lives, and what might be the great impact on them. We have already touched and seen the tears of Muslims whom for the first time in their lives were able to hold to their chest their copies of the holy Quran passionately as if they are hugging their loved ones after a longtime.
How to Donate?
Go to Donate Page or click on the button " Donate Now" at any place to start the payment